

趁著這星期最後一天的空檔  跑去看了聽說很好笑的麻辣女強人

一進戲院就有個頭髮吹很高的人  在那邊礙眼 害我們一直在那邊換位置

換到最邊邊才不會被擋到   害我一開始看的沒有很專心

這部片真的是好好笑~由其是雲霄飛車那邊 笑到我肚子痛  好久沒那麼開心的笑過了

這部片還有一個優點就是配樂  插曲  片尾曲都很好聽唷

今天來介紹片尾曲  聽了就覺得很有精神唷




演唱者 : Natasha Bedingfield

歌名 : Strip Me

La la la la la la
Everyday I fight for
All my future somethings
A thousand little awards
I have to choose between
I could spend a lifetime
Earning things I don’t need
That’s like chasing rainbows
And coming home empty
And if you strip me,
Strip it all away
If you strip me,
What would you find
If you strip me,
Strip it all away
Ill be alright
Take what you want
Steal my pride
Build me up
Or cut me down to size
Shut me out
But I’ll just scream
Im only one voice in a million
But you aint taking that from me
Oh oh no you aint taking that from me x 4
I dont need a microphone
To say what I been thinking
My heart is like a loudspeaker
Thats always on eleven
And if you strip me,
Strip it all away
If you strip me,
What would you find
If you strip me,
Strip it all away
I’m still the same
Take what you want
Steal my pride
Build me up
Or cut me down to size
Shut me out
But I’ll just scream
Im only one voice in a million
But you aint taking that from me
Oh oh no you aint taking that from me x 4
Cos when it all boils down
At the end of the day
Its what you do and say
That makes you who you are
Makes you think about,
Think about it
Doesn’t it
Sometimes all it takes is one voice
Take what you want
Steal my pride
Build me up
Or cut me down to size
Shut me out
But I’ll just scream
Im only one voice in a million
But you aint taking that from me
Oh oh no you aint taking that from me x 4



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